

Guests of Hotel Costa Dorada can benefit of several services. Free wi fi internet connection is available in all rooms and all shared areas. Private transfers from/to all Sardinian airports and ports are supplied at special convenient prices. Our staff will be at your full disposal before and during your stay to help you to organize your holiday in Cala Gonone and to give you some suggestions to make your vacation unforgettable.


The most hidden and inaccessible places of the Gulf of Orosei.

Excursions Hotel Costa Dorada


The beach in front of the hotel

Beach Hotel Costa Dorada

Bike rental

Five bike trails in Cala Gonone, Dorgali and surroundings.

Bike rental Hotel Costa Dorada

Others services

  • Transfer: from/to all Sardinian ports/airports. Special offers and prices for all hotel guests.
  • Holiday insurance: thanks to the product “Booking Protection” by Allianz Global Assistance you can protect your stay in case you will not be able to travel and much more.

You have 24 hours after your booking has been confirmed to insure your stay. Click here to estimate this service and to have the complete description of the insurance product!